Today was quite the day of traveling... consisting of planes, trains, taxis, a shuttle, the tube, and A LOT of walking! We got into London Gatwick around 10am this morning, and experienced quite the adventure getting two 50lb bags through the airport, train station, tube, and into the taxi. Once we got to the BYU Centre, I found my bed for the semester, and unpacked.
Kristen, Liz, SaraJane, Betsy, Amanda and I completed our first London walk. Out of nowhere, it started raining, and so we hurried back. After dinner, we took off to Picadilly Square and found our way to Les Miserables. It was great, even though I slept through half of it, okay almost all of it. I'd have to say today was a great day to start out life in London for the next few months!
CHILD! You made it thurr! Now get some more pics up and photoshop me into the one where you meet Madonna and Gwyn.
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